Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Starlight Tree

In a port side city that bustles with activity from trading and fishing stands the Starlight tree. At the top of William hill, next to a small worn gravestone, is a sparkling silver and white tree. It even produced its own light, as if it was a star in tree form. The city thrived off its own merits, as it was full of skilled fishermen and crafty merchants, the it got a little push in the right direction from the Starlight tree. Once grown into a full tree, people from all over the land came to see it. This steady increase in visitors allowed the town to take advantage of the extra income in the town and build itself into one of the best portside towns in the land.

So the story goes, that a boy named William caught a star as it fell from the night sky and decided to plant it like a seed. For years nothing happened, until one day a tiny sprout came up from the ground. Most of Williams’s life had pasted by before anything grew from the starseed and it took another fifty years before it grew into a small tree. It was now one hundred and fifty years after the seed was planted and the Starlight tree has reached the size of an adult tree. The story about the tree and the man who planted it is still told in the portside city, yet no one knows why he planted it, or what the purpose of the tree is. Most people just figured it was a beautiful tree, but didn’t have any more of a purpose than any other tree does, others believe that there will be a time when the tree grows into its true potential and finally the mystery will be solved.

The portside city thrived and continued to grow for years. Time marched on, the seasons came and then were gone. The world changed, cities changed, people were born and they died, but the tree stayed the same. It stood on the hill, shining and undisturbed. People went to go see the tree, but no one ever bothered it and certainly would never cut it down. Its beauty inspired artists and attracted tourists. It was one of the biggest mysterious of the world and the more time that past the more of a legend it became.

The tree grew and took up most of the hill. At this point the tree was ancient and still stood after lifetimes. One day, on one summer afternoon, the tree sprouted fruit. Apple sized spheres that grew in a few days and then dropped to the ground. The fruit grew and fell in such a short amount of time, no one even noticed it had happened. After another day the little spheres began to open and crack like eggs, until finally something emerged. A strange new life from another world, born on earth. The little creatures had blobby translucent bodies, with a core that made them shine from the inside out. These new baby creatures cried out as they flopped around on the ground. As if protecting the small children, it leaned its branches down, covering the crying blobs of light. The whimpering stopped and the tree branches returned to their normal position. The little blob babies crawled onto the tree, seeing it as a protector. The tree swayed in the breeze and the alien children cooed. As the night went on, the tree began to fade. Its light and its shine all began to fade, feeding into these new life forms that were hatched from its fruit.

By morning the tree was nothing more than a metal tree. The Starlight tree was simply a metal transport that was filled with energy to create new life and continue a species if disaster ever fell. It took the form of a tree to blend in with the area, but the surging energy made it stand out. After hundreds of years, the tree fulfilled its purpose, to save a race of creatures, nurture them and send them back into space. As the tree fed its last remaining energy into the blobby aliens, it sent them out into a pod. A tiny spaceship that would keep them alive for years, letting out a signal as it floated through space so that one day it would be picked up by hopeful survivors of the species.

So after all that time on earth, becoming the center of attention and the inspiration behind art and legend, without anyone noticing, the Starlight tree fulfilled its mission and quietly sank into the earth, never to be seen again.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Littlest Vampire

Sun burned bright, oppressive, hot and scorching. While others played in the sun and water, little Gregory stayed inside. Gregory was the littlest vampire, small and pale, with sharp fangs and a red cape that hung loosely on his back. His noble vampire parents moved to this land for opportunity and a chance to raise their child away from the stuffy old ways of the vampire clans. Because they moved so far, little Gregory was without any vampire friends.

The locals were werewolf and fish people families more than anything. Sure there was the family of zombies down the road, but they didn’t have much to say. The only thing they liked to talk about was ESPN sports center. Gregory didn’t know what that was, so often he stayed in his room and played with this skeleton dog, or go find his pet bat that lived in the attic.

It was summer and the fishhead family was enjoying the sun with the wolf people, they swam, played and ate grilled children meat. It looked like such a good time, Gregory wished he could play too. Once night came, he was allowed to leave the house, so he ran out to see if anyone was left to play with. Sadly, everyone had gone to bed, everyone except the Zombies, who were up late watching humans throw a ball through the air.

Little Gregory walked through the little town sadly, he was so excited to learn a new culture, away from other vampires, but without other vampires he didn’t have anyone to play with or talk about vampire things. The littlest vampire had just learned to turn into mist, though he could only do it for a split second, it made him proud. Though the other monsters couldn’t understand why that was so great.

As Gregory walked he saw a forest up ahead, it was a dark, spooky place and made his little vampire heart think of the old land where he was born. He ran quickly to the forest and smiled as the cool breeze howled and made the trees sway. The howling wind and the moving trees made the forest seem alive, and for a second, he didn’t feel so alone. He continued to explore the forest, but suddenly saw a light. Gregory didn’t know if he should investigate, his parents often warned him of monster hunters that prowled the forest looking for creatures to capture. Curiosity got the better of him though and he slowly crept, closer and closer to the light.

The light was from a lantern and was being carried by a mysterious figure. Gregory hid until he could see who it was. The figure got closer, but was quiet as a mouse. Gregory was nervous and wished that he could run home, but didn’t want to risk getting chased by the mysterious figure. After moments that seemed like forever, the figure came into view, it was a little floating ghost. He had a sad expression as he drifted through the forest, carrying a lantern that burned with a red spirit fire. “Hello” Gregory said meekly. The ghost moved quickly and hid behind a tree. “Who is there?” The frightened ghost asked. “my name is Gregory, I’m a vampire. My family just moved here” He replied, still very unsure. The ghost came back into view. “my name is Melvin, I’m the littlest ghost. I haunt these woods with my family” The two creatures went up to each other and smiled. Both Melvin and Gregory were so lonely but felt happy now that they found someone that had something in common.
The two littlest monsters sat in the forest and talked and laughed. Melvin didn’t have anyone to play with for such a long time because he would sleep during the day, which was just the same as Gregory. Melvin also knew how to turn invisible and was ever so proud. He was also very impressed that Gregory could turn into mist. The two friends played into the night, and when the sun began to rise they both had to hurry home.

Gregory couldn’t wait to tell his parent about the friend he made and could hardly sleep that day as he was so excited to see Melvin again. So from that day forward, Gregory and Melvin became the bestest friends and as they got bigger continued to talk and laugh in the haunted forest. So Gregory the littlest vampire would never be lonely again.

The End

The long Night Walk

 It was a dark October night. A cold wind swept through the town, leaves blew through the air and the tree branches shook as if the trees th...