Joseph Stephens, Jaye Williams, Bob the skeleton and Lynara the magic user all stood staring up at Gujia Ironspine, the boss of the Devil’s casino in Hallows End. Gujia held his giant iron club out, ready to strike the group. Lynara was preparing her next spell and Joseph was trying to come up with a plan on the spot.
Jaye began to chug his bottle of maple syrup. He then pulled out his claw hammer and stood ready to fight. Jaye eyed the situation and Gujia. The large skeleton boss was so big that the four friends were child sized in comparison. Any melee attacks would only reach Gujia’s hip at best. Jaye decided to act first and charged forward.
Gujia was preparing to swing his large club. He moved into a sweeping motion, hoping to take out the whole group in one shot. Jaye jumped over the giant club and tumbled forward, closing the gap between them. Joseph jumped backward, barely missing the end of the club. Lynara grabbed Bob the skeleton and floated up above the strike. “Bob, go get help. We are outmatched. We both know a fight in the streets won't get much attention in this town unless we give them a reason to care” Lynara said then launched Bob with her magic. Bob went soaring down the road and crashed through the eye window of the Grinning Jack Inn.
Lynara dropped from the air and launched shadowy fireballs at Gujia. Each flame burst into smaller flames upon impact. Gujia took a step back as he tried to pat out the flames. Jaye took this opportunity to attack. He swung his claw hammer and struck Gujia’s bulky kneecap on his right leg. Joseph Moved quickly towards Gujia as he recoiled from the attacks. Joseph brough his sword up and went in for the strike but before he could blue energy erupted from Gujia’s body.
The bluish green aura exploded outward, which pushed Joseph backwards and threw Jaye several feet. Gujia charged forward and slammed his club down at Joseph. Joseph narrowly rolled out of the way as the giant iron kanabo club struck the earth. Gujia then stomped his giant foot down at Jaye. Jaye had enough time to stand up then swung his claw hammer at the giant foot. The hammer struck and knocked off a chunk of Gujia’s middle toe. The large oni skeleton reared back in pain. His anger surged causing flames to spring up from all around him.
“I think we are a little out of our depths with this one” Said Joseph as he pumpkin sword transformed into steel armor with a pumpkin look to it. Jaye pulled out a handful of autumn leaves and looked down at them with nostalgia then put them back into his ratty, green hooded sweatshirt. Jaye then took his claw hammer and chucked it. The hammer went soaring through the air and lodged itself into Gujia’s eyehole.
The giant skeleton recoiled in pain as he tried to unhook the clawed hammer from his eye socket. Lynara used the opportunity to caste her biggest and most exhausting spell to use. She closed her eyes and stretched out her arms. In her left hand she held a wand with a pumpkin on the bottom and her right hand was stretched into an open palm. She moved her right hand through the air, drawing invisible symbols with each strike of her palm. The end of the pumpkin wand bounced up and down in a playful manner. Once the spell was finished, Lynara’s eyes shot open then changed shadowy purple and black. A dark portal to another world opened up in the ground by Gujia’s feet. Long purple tentacles sprung out from the shadows. Each tentacle hooked into the ground and a large spherical creature pulled itself from the depths. This all took place in a matter of moments and by the time Gujia realized what was happening, it was already too late.
The orb like tentacle monster grappled onto Gujia and attempted to wrestle the club from his hands. The two monsters wrestled for control of the weapon as Joseph and his friends were given a slight reprieve. “How did you do that?!” Joseph shouted in amazement. Lynara couldn’t move or respond, she was frozen in place as the shadow monster fought with the giant skeleton boss. “New plan we run and let the monsters deal with their crap” Jaye said clearly tired of cleaning up after others. “No, we promised Bob we would stay” Joseph retorted. “Bob is gone just like we should be. This skeleton guy is no joke” Jaye replied.
Bob could be seen running back towards the battle just as the two friends conversation became more and more heightened. “I am back, my friends!” Bob replied. He ran clumsily along the road then tripped over a rock in his path, causing him to fall on his face. When he stood back up his mustache was stuck to the road. He quickly picked it up and stuck it back on, luckily for him no one had even noticed his arrival or his de-mustaching.
Joseph and Jaye turned to see Bob standing ten feet away petting his mustache and whispering. Behind Bob was a whole group of monsters from town. Pumpkin Jack lead the charge of angry townsfolk. Each monster from town had weapons drawn, teeth bared and claws out.
Lynara began to struggle with her magic as her shadowy avatar pried the Kanabo club away from the mad skeleton boss. The shadow monster began to flicker like static as Lynara’s legs began to tremble. Gujia was pushed back and separated from his weapon just as the shadowy tentacle monster blinked from reality. Lynara regained consciousness as he eyes returned to normal. She stumbled and fell backwards completely out of strength.
Once the shadow beast vanished Gujia was free to reclaim his weapon. Lynara had stalled the skeleton boss just long enough for half of the town to show up to the fight. The angry mob arrived right before Gujia could claim his precious kanabo club shaped like a spine.
“Gujia! You have some crimes to answer for! Bob here told us all about your plans. Then we were able to extract a similar story out of a skeleton henchman who works for you” Pumpkin Jack shouted. The scarred man was brandishing a long, jagged cutlass. The sword that had slain the Necromancer of the Haunted forest. Next to him were the Czars of Halloween, two humans from the Autumn Forest who loved Halloween so much that they fight the dangerous Lich to save the town and then moved into the town as heroes. These heroes were backed by werewolves, ogres, ghosts, trolls, zombies, banshees, witches, grizzled veterans of the Haunted Forest and worst of all Bob the skeleton. Bob was still singing a sweet, soft lullaby to his mustache.
Gujia turned to the group. “This is personal business. I am not involving the town” Gujia lied. “You are trying to take over the town with an army of skeletons. We arent dumb” Rebuked The deadly Pumpkin Jack. “You corrupted skeletons with greed and false promises!” Lynara added as she slowly gathered her strength.
Gujia stopped walking towards his weapon and put his hands in the air. “Alright, so now what? Is this a fight to the death?” Gujia asked, a threating challenge in his tone. “No, because we would clearly win. You need to leave Hallows End and cause no trouble. Your casino goes to Bob the skeleton. It will be converted into a club hall and community center” Jack shouted back.
One of the Czars whispered something into Jack’s ear. “We will keep the black jack and poker tables” Jack added. The town cheered.
Gujia was forced from town. He claimed his weapon and headed off into the densest part of the Haunted Forest. The town cheered then dispersed to get drunk.
Lynara smiled at a job well done then turned to leave. “Wait, aren’t you going to say goodbye?” Joseph called out as he ran to catch up with her. “I think you are incredible and I know you probably aren’t interested in me but if you are, I’d really like to go out for coffee or something” Joseph said, immediately nervous about how she would reply. Lynara chuckled. “I am interested, at least a little” She said with a wink. “But you barely know me. I’m also not even human” She explained. “I figured you were some kind of witch or something. But I don't mind. And we can get to know each other over coffee” Joseph replied. Lynara let out a long drawn out sigh. Then snapped her fingers. Her human form changed in a puff of violet smoke. A second later the true form of Lynara stood before Joseph. She was a female, magic user, skeleton in black robes. “I’m a skeleton who can use magic and illusions. I didn’t mean to trick you but I was worried that whoever was changing skeletons bad would go after me. So I hid my identity. I assumed you would have figured it out though, why else would I want to help skeleton kind so much?” Lynara explained.
Joseph’s expression never changed. “I am still very interested in coffee, regardless if you are a human, a witch, skeleton warrior or even a skeleton magic user” He told her as he grasped his hand gently over her skeletal hand. “You really are persistent” Lynara said with a laugh that echoed into her skull.
“Well since we saved the day, maybe we can collect that reward and do a little sight seeing!” Jaye said. Then looked at Bob. “OH! Yes of course. I have your rewards. Magical potions that the old hag of the forest made. They let you transport to any realm of your choosing! Just drink the stuff and you will have the power to realm jump. Also the Czars of Halloween have agreed to show you around town” Bob explained as he handed Jaye the two bottles of realm jump potion.
The two friends had once again saved the day and were rewarded with new powers and a wonderful Halloween. The whole group celebrated at Hallows End through the rest of October.
The town slowly returned to normal. Bob was put in charge of the newly remodeled casino/skeleton club center/town community center. He was truly an expert organizer and the community center was the best run organization in Hallows End.
Joseph and Jaye eventually returned to their normal lives and decided to give the adventuring a break for a little while. Joseph and Lynara started a relationship together, whether she was a skeleton or was in human form, he loved and cherished their time together.
The moon hung up high in the night sky. Peace drifted over the land and ever so faintly the sound of laughing could be heard. The sound of the laughing pumpkin echoed over Joseph’s quiet home.
This blog is a way for me to share my stories with others and show my writing style. As well as promote any books I manage to publish. My stories are all fiction and all characters are original characters created by me. My current work is going towards book progress.
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