Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Audio of Shadowfal

Shadowfal police department
Audio file 1-3
Recovered evidence from crime scene
Case 3210
Investigator, Detective Joseph Roberts

Recording one

I’m recording this because I don’t know what else to do. I have been drugged and am wondering the streets like a madman as I get lost deeper and deeper into the city. Before the drugs kick in I will try to recall what happened.

            I was walking home and I took a shortcut through an alley. Thinking back I wish I just walked the extra ten minutes it would have taken. As I’m walking I see two men stuff another man into a trunk. I’m not proud to say I ran. My name is Raymond smith, I’m a bank manager, not a police officer or someone that likes to play hero. So I panicked and ran, but I was too loud in my retreat and the thugs rushed down the alley after me. I ran as fast as I could as my heart pushed my blood through my body faster than it ever has in my entire life. I got winded so quickly and the thugs caught up with me.

            I don’t remember what happened next. They must have knocked me out. I woke up in a chair, tied to a chair. And this guy in a suit injected me with something. Told me it would help me relax. I think he needed to see what I knew. I wasn’t about to stay there so they could get the info then dispose of me. Uh. So I was in the chair. I’m getting dizzy I need to rest.

            Recording two

I escaped the chair, the ropes were loose or something. So I ran for it as soon as I saw an opening. The two thugs chase me. One of them wore a white t-shirt and blue jeans, the other had on a sports jacket over a red t-shirt. Like a sports jacket would make either of those two goons look professional. This time I was gone before they could catch up. So I began walking the city. it doesn’t seem familiar to me. I admit I never traveled down every street of Lakecity, but still this whole place seems foreign to me. Maybe it was the injection, I don’t know what was in it. I could be insane for all I know. I don’t even know if this is going to sound like actual English when I play it back. I don’t even remember why I have this recorder. Was it to keep track of good ideas that I had? Did I ever even have a good idea? Damn, my head hurts.

            Recording three

I have been walking around for what seems like hours, this must be a different city. The street signs and buildings look so strange. No matter how far I travel, nothing seems the same. I tried asking for directions but people seem afraid of me. My suit is torn, but otherwise I don’t know what they are so afraid of. I am a nice guy. People like me, I think. How did I get in the park? Its night and I am in a park. Seem to be carrying a crowbar. I don’t know where I got a crowbar. Wait, I see those guys. Those thugs. They are still searching for me. I’m going to show them, I will show them I am stronger than I look. I’m going to get back to my bank and manage it forever. I will lead a glorious life in my bank. Linda my boss will be so proud that I beat up two thugs. Maybe I will bring her an ear back. She can keep it on her desk. Linda likes ears, maybe? Chocolate. Not ears.

End of Recordings

            Police reports say they found the recording device with the three audio files on two bodies. One victim wore a white shirt and jeans, the other red shirt and jeans. Both adult males in their mid thirties. Both also were physically fit and seemed to weigh about two hundred and twenty pounds each, approximately. Raymond smith has not been found and is considered dangerous. As we assume he is still drugged and armed with a crowbar. Police are looking into this case to see if any of what was on the audio is actually correct information or fabrication of a madman.

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