Thursday, October 11, 2012

Pumpkin Heads

            It was a pitch black, moonless night. Five pumpkin headed figures stood in a line. Their faces were carved into different expressions and light was emitted from the their eyes, nose and mouth holes. The figures were completely motionless except for their slow steady breaths. Each breath they let out released an orange mist from their mouth holes. Their breath looked like human breath on a cold night, but this was orange and glowed like fire. The pumpkin heads wore black cloaks, which hid any further features and since it was so dark, the figures looked like five floating jack-o-lanterns that could breath.

            The pumpkin heads were at the edge of a old dark forest, outside of a small town and they were lined up and staring at a small farm house house. The house had its lights on and in through the windows an elderly couple could be seen having dinner. One of the pumpkin heads walked up to the door and lifted its shadowy claw. It banged on the door three times. The knocks echoed through the house and the elderly couple went silent. Then after a few moments the pumpkin heads heard shuffling around inside the house. Through the door, the faint muffled sound of walking, creaky floors and then a cabinet opening.  The elderly man finally answered the door. He opened the door slowly to greet his visitors and the Pumpkin heads waited with patient excitement.

When the door was finally open the man saw the five creatures. He stared at them for a moment with a puzzled look. Then he shook his head and smiled. “What lovely costumes” said the elderly man. He reached behind the door and grabbed a bowl of candy. He then proceeded to place candy into the claw like hands of the pumpkin heads as they silently stared at him, expressions fixed like Jack-o-lanterns. With one last smile the man waved goodnight and closed the door, then shuffled back to his dinner. The creatures exchanged glances as they kept their hands outstretched and filled with candy. Then at the same time, they all let out a slow crackling noise, like a fire burning away at a log. This translated into them saying “Success!” then they shoved the candies down into their fiery mouths, wrappers and all. The five creatures turned around and slowly walked off, disappearing into the night.

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