Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Letter from Geren

Beloved Alaria,
Since I’ve come to earth I have felt nothing but pain. The world itself is beautiful, the creatures living on it are another story altogether. The average human is completely self concerned, inwardly focused and selfish. They value status, rank and monetary gains over nature or compassion. The humans that do show any kind of goodwill are few and seem to always be fighting against the tide of either the unhelpful or the purposely harmful. Since we last spoke my body has been covered in scars. I still retain physical traits of my old self, but you would be shocked to see me as I am today.

The world weighs heavy on me as I go through each day trying to blend in with the modern populace. I find it is easier to go numb sometimes. When I first arrived here I cared about all things great and small, but this world has worn me down and made it difficult to care about anything more than the path directly ahead of me. These humans are amazing, the burden themselves with this harsh reality created by their own hands. They are as enduring and resistant as they are short sighted.

I miss you Alaria, I think about your tender blue skin and that sweet smile of yours and it breaks my innards to pieces. I will find a way home one day, I just hope when I see you again you will still want me. I fear I may be too transformed by this world that you may not even see me like you used to. I cannot think of this, I need hope that I will return to a world of light and peace. Even if I could never return home, I know I could survive this earth if I had you with me.

As I say this I feel a sense of dread. Having you for comfort would lift my spirits in such ways, but I could not picture such a beautiful star like yourself being trapped on a dirt ball like this. I would rather suffer alone than risk losing you to the cold harshness of the day to day. I continue to struggle, but having you in my thoughts gives me hope.

My dearest Alaria, I love you.


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