Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Jagged pain pounds in the base of my skull. Migraine. Such a simple word, so casual, so often heard that it barely invokes any emotion to those who do not suffer with it. Though migraines aren’t fatal that do cause suffering. It gets hard to think and hard to write when it feels as though a screw was slowly burrowing into my skull. Worming its way deeper into my head until it hits my brain.

            Headaches can be a nuisance but migraines can ruin your day. Though who deal with severe or frequent migraines know this first hand.

            I awaken feeling hung over, but I did not drink the night before. My head has a thumping pain, like a kick drum beating in my ear. The sharp pain of a knife enters my skull followed by the dull and constant pain similar to the moments after being struck on the head. I stand up on uneasy feet and fumble for the lights. I turn the light on, sharp daggers of light enter my eye and pierce through into my brain. I react quickly and shut the light off.

            After taking a moment to recover I try to move forward in the dark. My eyes start to adjust to the lack of light but my head spins and I feel dizzy and nauseous. Pain burns into the back of my head and it becomes hard to see. I feel as if I were dying, but I know I am not. I have been to the doctor so many times because of my pain. I have had so many tests done and they all point to one thing, migraines.

            I start the coffee machine and run to the bathroom. The pain has made me so dizzy it is unbearable. I vomit into the toilet. My head still hurts but I am less nauseous now. After brushing my teeth I take my pills. Pills for nausea, pills for migraine pain even muscle relaxers. I take the first two and put the third one back. I cannot afford to drug myself this early in the day.

            After my pills and a cup of coffee my migraine starts to recede. It doesn’t go away, it just becomes more tolerable. I spend my day with a dull pain in the base of my skull. I am functional but my mood doesn’t recover on days like these.

            For those who suffer know this morning routine all too well. Migraines might show up in the middle of the day or even at night, but it is always the same symptoms.

            So for now I rest. I take my pills and rest. Try to take my mind of the pain and hope tomorrow is better.

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