It was a
quiet St. Patrick’s day evening, the grass was green the trees were starting to
bloom and everyone was having a good time consuming low level poisons that
tasted like bread and happiness. On the outskirts of town was a pub that the
locals referred to as “The Clover”. Joseph Stephens and Jaye Williams stood in
the demolished bar as a whole group of magical and ‘roided out bros stared them
down. Joseph and Jaye glowed with a golden light from the magical Irish stout
they drank in the basement of the bar and they were ready to show these jerks
not to mess with people who just want to mind their own business. Wizbro smiled
from under his amber-crombi brand hood. Joseph ran forward with the fury of a
guy who was picked on in high school and now has magical powers. Joseph swung
at the Wizbro and midair Joseph’s arm turned to stone. The stone punch
connected with Wizbro’s face. The stone fist shattered his good looks and the
other bros quickly leaped on him and devoured him to gain his power. The Bros
can smell weakness and hate the weakness in themselves as well as others, so
they seek to destroy all who are considered ‘less’ than themselves. Also Wizbro
was magical so eating his flesh could give people magic.
stepped up in his place, now surging with some small amount of magic stolen
from Wizbro and veins filled with illegal drugs he charged at Joseph and
punched Joseph so hard he flew backward, destroying a support beam and part of
the wall as he went. “No one beats on him but me!” Jaye shouted, then reached
into his pocket and pulled out a claw hammer engulfed in flames. “Flaaaame
Hammar!” He shouted, hoping his catch phase would catch on. He then threw the
hammer with all of his magical strength. it whirled through the air at Roidbro.
Before it could hit, Roidbro caught it out of the air and began to laugh. His
laughing was interrupted as the flames from the hammer spread out along his arm
and then quickly covered his whole body in scorching flames. RoidBro slammed
his palms on the ground causing a shockwave which extinguished the flames.
RoidBro was too late though and his shockwave was his last act. Roidbro fell
over and hit the ground with such force it shattered the floor under him and
his body fell into the cellar.
Bros charged Jaye at the same time, unaffected by another fellow council
member’s death. “I am starting to think this group is more about picking fights
than sticking together” Jaye said as the group rushed at him. Jaye jumped in the
air causing wind to start spinning around his body, when he landed the wind was
discharged and sent out rushing toward the group. Hurricane winds blasted back
the bros and shattered all the windows in the building. Jill was taking cover
behind the bar and when the hurricane winds blasted out the windows she went
into the basement.
Every time
Joseph or Jaye took out a Bro there always seemed to be more to take their
place. Joseph tried to focus his energy, all of his golden energy focused into
his hands and he shot it into the air. He used all of his power but was still
drunk. Joseph fell over from exhaustion and because he was a lightweight. As
soon as he hit the floor a crack of thunder shook the sky. Rain began to pour
down and a bolt of lighting shot down through the ceiling and struck a group of
bros, blasting them to ashes. The bar caught fire from the lighting strike and
the wind from the storm spread the fire over the wooden furniture. Jaye
realized how serious it was getting and grabbed his friend. Jaye used the last
of his energy to teleport both of them a twenty feet away from the bar and
outside. Jaye then remembered Jill the bartender was still in bar. He started
to run toward the bar when he saw a group of Bros charging in over the horizon
like a vicious army of beasts. Then the redheaded bartended blasted out of the
bar, glowing with energy and using wind magic to fly. She drank the rest of the
Legendary Irish Stout and now surged with power. The bros were furious as they
charged the bar. Jill the bartender charged up a ball of fire and then launched
a stream of flames out from her hands. The bar, the army of bros and any grass
in the area was consumed by flames as the flying bartended laughed
passed, the rains extinguished the flames and Jill, Jaye and Joseph had all
sobered up and exhausted their magic. There was nothing left of the bar, just
scorched ground and ash. Joseph had regained consciousness and was staring at
the spot where the bar used to be. “We did the world a service getting rid of
those bros” said Jill. “What will you do now? Asked Joseph. “Maybe the Owner
will sell me the land cheap, I could start my own bar. Not a gimmicky bar, just
something nice to call my own” Jill replied. “Can we get free drinks?” Jaye
asked excitedly. “If you help me build it” Jill replied. “Well that’s a deal!”
both Jaye and Joseph said at the same time.
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