Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Elements of the End

            The battle for the universe had started. Deus and the other dark elementals stood ready and eager for battle. The light elementals looked determined and were ready to finish this dispute once and for all. Every single one of the Elementals had the slightest hesitation though. They knew what was at stake. Being around for millions of years made if difficult to think about the possibility of no longer existing.

            Kaji was eager to continue the fight and get this war underway. He summoned a giant fireball and threw it at Terra. This was the spark they all needed. Fire engulfed Terra for a second before she moved her arms, gathered up the fire from her body and threw it on the ground like it annoyed her. Deus saw this and began laughing. As he laughed he charged in and rock spires began to spring up from the ground ripping holes in the land and throwing around anyone who was too slow to move. Seigh did a flip backward just as a spike rose up from where he stood. Delia was tossed into the air when she was hit by the spire, but then mid air began launching fire strikes down at the Dark Elementals.

            Kaji’s face was twisted into an insane smile. It was possible that he hated the Light Elementals more than he hated humans. Not even Deus hated the other elementals, to him they were just an obstacle. Kaji launched flames left and right, striking out at any Light Elemental he could see. A ball of fire hit Seigh, but then Seigh used the momentum to spin around and delivered a swift kick to Kaji’s head. The force of this kick was so hard it dropped the fire element and his head bounced off the ground on impact.

            Zephyr tried not to think about Aeolius on the other end of this battle and instead fought the others on his team. She moved faster than anyone else. Her formed moved through battle like the wind and she sliced the others with her spinning daggers. Terra lifted her hand and vines rose up and wrapped around Kaji once he was on the ground. then Terra winched in pain and realized she had been slashed on the back several times by Zephyr. Vines flailed in the air as they grew from the ground and eventually were able to grab a hold of the tricky wind element. The vines grabbed Zephyr and slammed her on the ground, but before they could do anything else, they were slice into thousands of pieces by Aeolius. It happened so fast though that no one realized he did it. Zephyr knew though.

            Aeolius moved his hands through the air fluidly and winds would strike out with razor blade strength. Morana reached into her salvaged pirate coat and pulled out two pirate pistols made of ice, this was all for show because she could make ice and water on command. The pistols began firing like a machine gun, but instead of bullets it was sharp ice blades.

            Ice blades whizzed through the air and struck Delia in the back several times. She returned by putting out her hands and causing a flamethrower effect. The flames rushed forward at Morana and engulfed her. Water shot out of the ground and calmed the flames. Morana snuck up behind Delia and tried to attack her again with ice blades, but a rush of waves blasted out from Seigh’s palms and the force sent Morana off into the forest.

            Deus used his power to free Kaji from the vines. Then Deus began hurling boulders. Large chunks of rock smashed against the ground all around the light elements and the boulder shattered sending chunks of rock in every direction. Aeolius was struck in the head by one of these stones and stumbled. Kaji took this opportunity to grab a hold of Aeolius’ face and set his head on fire. Aeolius struggled as Kaji continued burning him with fire. Then Kaji released Aeolius and his face seemed confused and scared. While Kaji was attacking Zephyr had turned on her own teammate and slashed Kaji’s throat, back and stomach area. Kaji stumbled back as he attempted to heal his wounds. Delia pounced on this opportunity and began hurling fire at Kaji. She attacked with everything she had. “DIE you bastard DIE!!!” She shouted as flames shot from her hands and sailed through the air, colliding with Kaji’s body and covering him with flames. By this time Aeolius had recovered and pushed his hands forward shooting a tornado blast of wind at Kaji. The fire element was hit with the fire then wind. the fire was put out and Kaji crumbled to the ground. All of the elementals stopped fighting for a second and watched as red energy and flames shot out of Kaji’s body. the Elemental energy swirled through the air then rushed into Delia. She had absorbed his energy and was now the sole Fire element in existence.

            Since she now held all the sway for the fire element, which meant the Dark Elements wouldn’t try to kill her. If both sides of a single element were to die, it would tip the balance and reality would break apart. Delia smiled as her body flowed with even more fire energy. Fire was on a constant burn all around her and her eyes glowed with the power of her fallen elemental. Deus sneered. “Your power means nothing to me! I am still the strongest!!” Delia smiled and launched a full on flame attack on Deus. the fire attack hit Deus but had no effect. Deus just laughed at Delia. “When you absorbed the fire energy it absorbed all of the fire energy everywhere. Including the energy that Kaji shared with us to fight you light elements. Which means even with all your power you can no longer hurt any of us” Deus explained. Delia growled.

            As Deus was distracted by his need to announce everything he was hit with a blast of water and rock from Seigh and Terra. Deus was knocked back by this but quickly recovered. Morana appeared as she rose from a pool of water and slashed Terra with an icy pirate cutlass. Terra recoiled and swiped at the ice element with stone bear claws. Morana was slashed across the face and stumbled back.

Meanwhile Zephyr and Aeolius stood off to the sidelines. They both had almost been severely injured in the battle and decided to wait it out. Deus saw Zephyr standing around “Get back in the fight!” He barked. “No! Aeolius and I are no longer part of the Dark or Light team. We are instead the Air team. The winning Elements will have both of our support. We will not fight each other” She shouted back and Aeolius just nodded in agreement. Terra and Deus both could have seen this coming, Terra was a little happy that there was some peace between elements, even if it was just those two. Deus on the other hand was not as happy and sent a cascade of rocks down on the two wind elements. This was a mistake. The two elements moved as one, dodging the boulders, moved past Deus then both struck him in the back with the full force of their powers. Deus was injured and sent flying and smashed into the ground. Terra wrapped Deus in vines.
The two air elements held off their attack. They didn’t want to tip the scales too much. With Deus wrapped up Morana stood back and waited to see what would happen next. Seigh stood ready to fight and Terra approached Deus. “Stop this now! we don’t have to fight anymore. Kaji is gone, this battle will only end in more death. I believe our air element friends have the right idea” Terra said. hoping to reason with Deus. She kneeled down and touched Deus’ face. “Please, I do not want to fight” She said.

            Deus’ rage increased and he broke out of the vines. “I am not a broken sparrow or a tormented man. I am an earth element. I helped shape this world and do not need pity from you!” He said. then brought the earth up around Terra and tried to seal her in a ball. Seigh ran to help but Morana struck out and kicked Seigh, then slashed him with her sword. The two water elements began to fight as Terra struggled to escape the ball.

 “I will not force you to choose sides between Deus and Terra, but please think about it. If you did get your way and everything returned to chaos and freedom. Would you really want to spend eternity with an all powerful Deus and Morana?” Aeolius asked. Zephyr thought about it. She just wanted to have her freedom and feel the shapeless energy of the universe like she used to. But this wasn’t the way to do things and if Deus won he would kill Terra and Seigh, whether he needed to or not. Delia was still there, but she wouldn’t be able to fight until Deus had absorbed Terra’s energy and by that time it might be too late. Zephyr put her head down. “Y-your right. I will never love humans, but as long as I have you, I will be fine” She said. Aeolius nodded and the two rushed in to help. In a split second the two air elements had destroyed the ball of earth and joined sides next to Terra.

            Terra struggled to stand up. Then she stared at Deus who was furious at this point. “Will you surrender?” Terra asked Deus. “I will!” Morana said quickly. Realizing things weren’t going in her favor. “COWARD!” Deus shouted then rushed at Terra and the others. The ground was ripped apart and rained down and stones were pulled from the deepest depths of the earth. Deus attacked with everything he had. Terra used her power over the earth to hinder Deus’ attacks and block the attack that he managed to pull off. Meanwhile Seigh, Zephyr and Aeolius all attacked with their powers. The full force of the air and the might of Seigh’ water attacks rushed at Deus. He was so busy attacking he could not defend himself from the attacks. A giant tornado of ice and water hit Deus with ferocity that hasn’t been seen in millions of years. The force of the wind and the razor sharp ice tore Deus apart, His screams of rage and pain were drowned out by the howling of wind and the rushing of water. When the winds died down and the water sunk into the ground. The mighty power of Deus flew through the air, spiraling over the earth and then finally shooting straight into Terra. Terra began to glow with the full power of the earth and the land began to heal and forest, which was torn up by Deus’ final attack, was now growing back. Slowly the world would recover and it would erase any evidence of this horrible battle.

            Terra let out a sigh of relief. Seigh and Delia cheered and the air elements held each other close, also so relieved it was over. Morana just grumbled a little then left.

So that is it. The universe now has a permanent path, for better or worse. The battle is over and decided and the humans never even knew how close they came to destruction.

The End.

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