Thursday, September 20, 2012

Joseph Stephen's and the persistent summer

Pumpkin Patch, the spirit of Autumn sat comfortably in a reclining chair in Joseph’s house. He wore his usual black suit and white shirt with a tie. He reclined back with a newspaper on his pumpkin face and his hat on the ground. Then the door opens. “Patch, I’m home” Joseph said as he stepped through the door. He had just returned from work and had to leave Patch alone in the house. Patch woke up with a jolt. “huh…eh? Oh, Joseph your back. Welcome home” He said his eerie voice echoing through the air. Patch’s voice sounded like he was talking through a windy day with the light sound of leaves rustling in the background and his voice never came from his carved Jack o lantern mouth. Joseph thought this was weird, but never asked about it.

“So how was your day?” Patch asked. “Warm actually” Joseph replied. “Warm?!” Patch repeated back in shock. “Yes, it was rather warm out today. It seems like every other day is warm, then it goes back to crisp fall, then back to warm” Joe explained. Patch stood up and looked annoyed. “Come with me. We need to investigate” He said then marched outside. The air was warm with a slight breeze and the sun was beating. “This is most disturbing. The heat seems to come from the coast” Patch said. “I’ll get the car” Said Joseph. “No need. I have a quicker way” Patch replied. He snapped his fingers three times and a mighty gust rushed in. Autumn leaves danced in the wind and Joseph could smell pumpkin and cinnamon. The wind rushed over the two, it came on so fast Joseph had to close his eyes. When the wind died down he felt warm, almost hot actually and smelled the sea. He opened his eyes and saw the beach. An hour and a half drive was shortened into ten seconds. Patch was full of surprises.

“Just as I thought!” Declared Patch. Joseph looked and saw the beach and water was covered in happy people, enjoying the summer weather, even though summer was over. At the center of it all was July. She floated in the water nearby and laughed and giggled as the humans played and had a good time. “Summer is over, what is the meaning of this?” Patch shouted. A cold wind swept over the beach and everyone shivered. July glared at Patch. “These people are having a good time and I am only giving my warmth to this beach. So mind your own business!” She yelled back over the crowd of nervous people. “That is not how seasons work. Joseph and the others suffered through summer, so your warm weather friends can suffer through autumn. There is a time for everything. Besides, the wind carries the heat across the land. The trees will never fully change color and loose their leaves in this heat. Then when winter comes, the leafy trees will catch all the snow and the trees will all break and fall over” Patch scorned.

July’s face bunched up and blew a hot wind across the beach and Joseph stumbled backward. This was not looking good and the beach goers decided to pack up and leave before things got out of control. “You throw your weight around and chased away timid spring. But I am not bullied so easily! Your stubbornness will delay fall no longer” Patch yelled. The sky grew dark and rain began to pour down on the beach. Joseph wished he could have retreated with the others. Patch slowly grew taller and his suit swept away and turned into a shadowy cloak. His pumpkin face twisted and turned menacing. “If you wish to fight I will not back down to a bully like you” Patch growled as blades began to grow from his forearms. July looked terrified. “y-you don’t scare me. Everyone wants summer. Your being the bully!” She yelled back, less confident than before.

Patch crossed his arms and the blades became a long scythe. “Fine” He said then in a flash flew forward on the speed of the wind. He brought his scythe up and then struck. Hot air and flames rose up in front of Patch to block his attack. He recoiled and when the flames died down July could be seen floating off into the sky. “Fine, I will go, have your autumn. It wont be too long before Winter shows up anyway.” July sneered, then vanished into the clouds.

In a blink Patch was normal size and wearing his usual suit and tie. “Golly that was intense” He said with a smile. Joseph sighed with relief. “Lets not do that again” Joseph said with a laugh. Patch laughed too. “So whats next?” Patch asked. “I don’t know. How about we get some apple cider?” Joseph suggested. “That sounds wonderful” Patch said.

With Autumn back on track the two friends were whisked away on the wind and went off to enjoy some cider and maybe pick some apples.

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