Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Incredible Stories of Joseph Stephens - the Autumn Arrival

It is almost September and summer is coming to an end. While some might be sad, others rejoice at the start of the fall season. I am one of those people who jump for joy at the start of every fall. I love fall and everything about it. Though I try to make the best of every season, it has always been in the fall that I felt truly happy. Its hard to describe it, I know fall is a yearly event, but every year I feel very excited and a little surprised. Like an old friend I haven’t seen in a while, returning and staying for a bit before having to leave again.

It is sort of like this one story I know about a man named Joseph Stephens. Joseph Stephens, or Joe was at home, sitting in front of the air conditioner. His shoulders slouched and sweat dripped down his face. Summer that year had been unrelenting and horrible. The days were scorching hot and the nights were too warm and humid. It was too warm to sleep, but also too hot to be alert and active. So Joe sat, trying to stay cool as his air conditioner rumbled and let out a long electronic “Rrrrrrrrr” as it ran.

Cool air poured out of the loud metal box and rushed past Joe’s face. Just then the doorbell rang, but all Joe heard was “Rrrrrrrr”. A few minutes later, the door rang again. Joe heard the distant ring of the door over the sound of air rushing past his ears and the loud “Rrrrr” of the metal window box. Joe rushed to the door. He would have felt bad if someone took time out of their day to see Joe and just ended up standing on the hot pavement outside his house. Joe opened the door and smiled “Hello?” He said. then his eyes grew wide when he saw who it was.

In the doorway stood a tall, thin man. The man wore a black suit, white shirt, a thin black tie, a black fedora that didn’t quiet fit his head and was not wearing any shoes. Also his head was a pumpkin. His face was a carved Jack-o-lantern face that could move into different expressions just like a human face. “Pumpkin Patch!” Joe said in excitement. Pumpkin Patch, the pumpkin headed man smiled broadly and stepped into the house. “It is so wonderful to see you! Its been what, nine months since we hung out?” Joe said as the two of them walked into the living room and sat down. “Yes, its been far too long” Said Patch, his voice was deep and echoed through the room, which made it sound like the words weren’t coming from his mouth at all, but the air all around them. Knowing Patch, it was entirely possible that this was the case. “So can I get you anything?” Asked Joe. “Just some water please, the trip here was a scorcher as always” Patch replied in a shaky voice.

Joseph handed Patch a glass of water. Patch set down his large black briefcase and held the glass with his two thin hands, which seemed to be made of wood. Like his hands were just three sticks that were held together and came out like long fingers that could somehow bend like human fingers. Patch was actually made of sticks, straw and a pumpkin, so he was more of a scarecrow in a business suit. “So can you stay?” Asked Joe, hoping that he would be able to spend some time with his friend. “Yes, I should be able to stay for about three months, but we shall see. It seems some years I get held up by summer and other years I get pushed out early by winter. So let us just hope for the best” Replied Patch. “I am so excited. I will let you rest for the moment. But I can’t wait to hang out and do all sorts of fall stuff. We can go apple picking, make all sorts of delicious food, take walks and prepare for the holidays!” Joe said getting excited as a kid on Christmas.

Patch just laughed “First things first” He said. he stood up slowly, as he did it sounded like twigs cracking and leaves rustling. “not as young as I used to be” Patch said with an embarrassed smile. “Heh, who is?” Joseph replied. “Ok, now that I’m here we should get down to business” Patch said finally. He opened his briefcase and set it on the ground. Bats flew out of the brief case and swarmed around the room then flew up the stairs into the attic. The bats settled down once they found a nice place to hang. Next out of the briefcase was a cold gust of wind. Autumn leaves came tumbling out and swirled all around Patch and Joseph. The door suddenly flew open and the leaves left. When the commotion died down Joe noticed Patch’s closes were now different. He now wore a brown cloak that draped over his whole body, underneath he wore a plain white shirt and brown pants. He also had a pointed black hat, like a witches has but less colorful and smaller. “Now that we prepared, its time to call in the Autumn and tell summer its time for fall” Patch said then marched out of Joe’s house with a determined look on his face.

Joseph followed Patch outside and looked up. Patch and Joe looked up at Joe’s roof and saw a very large overweight woman sitting on Joe’s house. She took up the entire roof that she sat on. Not because she was so fat, but because she was a giant, who also happened to be fat. “Hello Joe!” Said the large woman sitting on Joe’s roof. “Hello, July” Joe replied in a not so enthusiastic voice. July was pleasant enough, but she generated heat like you wouldn’t believe. Part of the reason it is so hot in the summer is because of the sun, the other reason is because every year July leaves her home in the clouds and comes to ‘visit’ Joe. While July ‘visits’ all she does is sit on his house and complain at the neighbors. Then this chases away timid springtime, the easter bunny, and all of the cool air. Since July is the daughter of the sun, she emits so much heat that it creates the summer time and makes Joe’s house unbearable to live in.

“It is time to leave, July” Patch announced. July stopped smiling and gave Patch a dirty look. “Oh its you again” July sneered. “Come on, we can’t have another long summer that lasts four months like we did last year” Joe said, getting annoyed. “Well, ok. I suppose I should go…” Said July with a pout. Joe nodded to Patch, then Patch lifted his thin arms in the air and summoned an autumn wind that blew around, getting colder and colder. Leaves twisted and twirled through the air and looked like they were dancing. July shivered “Oh my, it is getting too cold here for me. I suppose it is time to return home. Its been fun” Said July. She then puffer herself up and floated away.

            With July gone and Patch there to take her place, the weather instantly became cooler. Joe ran inside and shut off his air conditioner and grabbed his hooded sweatshirt. “Its good to have you back Patch” Joseph said. “its good to be back” Said Patch.

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