Beauty is all
around, even in a world that sometimes feels full of darkness and evil, beauty
can still be found. It can be found in nature, brief moments when the sun
shines through the trees just right or on a rainy day when the sound of rain on
the roof and calm cool breeze in air come together and make a beautiful scene
that can’t be described or recorded, only experienced.
can be found in the human race too. Too often people misuse the word and say
“what a beautiful woman” but in reality she might be hot, sexy or attractive.
If you saw someone who was truly beautiful in appearance you would know what it
really looks like, after you recover from being stunned by it all. Attractive
women are in magazines, beautiful women are scattered through the world like a
spice. Then there is the beauty within, even those without stunning appearance
might be so internally beautiful that they almost seem to glow. You can feel it
when they talk and you can see it in their actions. They are the type of people
that make you want to be a better person.
is beauty is science too. From street lamps or city lights glowing in the
distance on a dark night, to impossibly long numbers that seem incalculable. It
is beautiful how random and complex the universe might seem or how unique DNA
can be.
beauty makes you stop and think and some makes you smile. You might be able to
find beauty so great that it can make you rethink your life. You might even see
something so wonderful and perfect that you can’t stand looking at it. The
sheer purity of it might make the ugliness of the world seem worse by contrast.
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